
Botanique, Campos do Jordão, Brazil

Nestled in a confluence of three rich river valleys and picturesque hillsides in the heart of the Mantiqueira Mountains, Botanique Hotel & Spa is surrounded by lush, mid-tropical Atlantic forests, 1.200m above sea level in the heart of the Bairro dos Mellos, just 12 kms from Campos do Jordão. Striking, modern and contemporary design is enhanced by the  location. With more than 7,000 m2 of common area for just seventeen rooms, the intimate resort  harmonizes with the natural beauty of the forested surroundings where guests enjoy genuine silence within the 1km, non-motorized vehicle zone.

The centrepiece of the property contains the Restaurant, Lounge, Library Living Spaces as well as the 900+ m2 Spa and 6 unique suites. In addition, gently scattered around the lush hillside are the 11 individual villas which each contain elaborate private gardens measuring up to 600m2.

If you are interested to enjoy the brazil eclipse 2020, TravelQuest last journeyed to these two beautiful countries in November 1994 to experience the total solar eclipse of the Sun. A quarter-century later, we look forward to once again sharing some of our favorite highlights, from the beaches and samba rhythms of Rio de Janeiro to the cosmopolitan elegance of Buenos Aires to some of the world’s largest waterfalls at Iguazu – which you’ll view from both Argentina and Brazil on platforms perched above the rising mists.